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Are you going stir crazy in quarantini? Well, now you're not.

I haven’t been writing as much as I would like too. Turns out this blogging thing is kinda hard. Thinking of ideas that will intrigue people and also provide information is not as easy as one would think. I have done a ton of brainstorming while locked at home and I have FINALLY come up with a post.

There’s no getting around it: the world is going insane and everyone is in quarantine. It’s hard to stay positive sometimes so I have compiled a list of things to keep you busy while home and to keep you staying positive overall because we don’t need you going stir crazy.

1. Watch that Netflix series you’ve been wanting to watch!

2. Do an at-home work out (you can find 100s of videos on YouTube and even on free apps) - Planet Fitness is offering free classes right now!

3. Start a journal

4. Make a new playlist for your favorite “feel good” songs

5. Go on a walk around the neighborhood but stay 6 FEET APART!

6. Learn a new recipe that excites you

7. Start a blog!

8. If you like art, draw or paint

9. Read a self-help book

10. Read your favorite book or series

11. Stay connected, set up a Zoom call or a FaceTime with your family and friends

12. Check and see if your favorite artist is doing a virtual concert

13. KonMari your house - This is a highly effective method to declutter your home

14. Use Netflix Party to watch your favorite shows with friends from separate areas

15. HBO is offering tons of movies, tv shows and documentaries for free right now

16. Scroll through Tik Tok and even make your own but be aware it is addicting!

17. Call your Grandparents… when was the last time you talked to them?

18. Have a dance party with your quarantine buddy

19. Make a cocktail

20. Along with drinking, play a new drinking game or even an oldie but a goodie

21. Go to a useless site that will take you to some other dumb sites

22. Go through your drunk drawer… let us know what you find, I’m sure it's good

23. Go through your fridge and CLEAN IT - believe it or not, fridges need cleaning

24. While you’re at it, might as well clean your pantry

25. Learn a new skill! Skillshare has thousands of courses for a super low cost

26. Pull out your original Nintendo, dust it off a finish all the games your parents wouldn’t let you finish when you were a kid

27. Find out your Zodiac sign and do all the research on it

28. TAKE A SHOWER! We all know you’ve been wearing the same sweats for a few days now. Clean yourself up and clean up your room. I promise you’ll feel better

29. Find a new podcast

30. Lastly, STAY POSITIVE this won’t be forever!!

Now if not a single one of these sounds good to you well then you’re just grumpy and don’t want to do anything which is fine, we all have those days but come on you can do it! Just get outta bed and do something, you’ll thank me later.

Anything I forgot? Send me a message or DM me on Instagram!

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